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If you would like to be a part of our show in any way, please contact us at 713.252.9295

A  True  Celebration  of  youself, others  and  the  world  in  which  we  live!

The CIC 2013 Team has developed multiple ways to promote our sponsors! We want to make sure each business/person who assists in making our production possible will get as much as they can out of the experience!

Website Page


The CIC Website is an interactive site managed in conjunction with the NZURI NATURAL HAIR SHOW website (which gets over 1/2 million hits on average)!


All of the CIC performers, partners and affiliates must apply, register and visit the CIC website daily for updates and important show check-ins!


Due to the LARGE volume of hits we get, your company would greatly benefit from this package of having a link to your site as well as a preview business page within our CIC website!


Our designers will design a page the way that you want it to be for advertisement through the CIC website. You can send visitors to the page and you will gain new clients from having exposure through our site.


We recommend this sponsorship level to businesses that may not find a way to be a part of the show's production at Reliant Center but still want to reach out to the audience! 


Note: Your web page will be posted on the CIC! website for 6 months after payment is received and design and approved!



Nzuri Booth Set-up
Be at the Show!!!


The Nzuri Natural Hair Health & Beauty Festival is a one of kind event! 


Attendees come from all over the nation to experience this SPECTACULAR event filled with stage performances, workshops, exhibits and so much more!


The NZURI Team displays quality exhibits and ensure that the attendees will have a chance to access every exhibitor!


We encourage raffles, prizes and product demos. It's like having your own live show within the Show itself. 


With over 10,000 attendees of the show and 2 days to promote, you will be very glad that you were able to take advantage of this option.


NZURI EXHIBITS always sell out before the event. If you are planning to book an EXHIBIT, please contact US immediately, so that we can get you all the proper paperwork to be set up and ready for the show!






This BUTTON will link to the SPONSORSHIP FORM for OPTION 1 and OPTION 2! If you are a business and would like to SPONSOR our event through OPTION 3, please go to our CONTACT page and fill out the CONTACT FORM specifying that you are interested in OPTION 3 SPONSORSHIP LEVEL! One of our Team members will get back with you! Thank you!

Be on our website! ~CIC! Performers 2012

Be on our stage! ~CIC! Performers 2012

Be part of the show! ~CIC! Performers 2012

Be at the Show!!!


The CIC has a 30 min time slot to be on-stage. We perform before an audience of over 1,000 people and over 5,000+ attendees. 


From our previos years, sponsors have benefitted from stage time announements (such as raffle drawings, prie give-aways, product demos, etc....)!


This type of exposure is how you are able to, not only expose your business but, MEET your new clients/prospects at the same time.


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